Sabtu, 26 Januari 2008

Oceane Zhu France Chinese Girl winner of Miss Chinese International 2008

Miss Chinese International 2008 - Results, pics, images, photos, galleries, sexy pictures

Miss Chinese International 2008, who is the most beautiful chinese girl in the world?

After months of training and preparation, we finally can know who is the winner from the 23 contestants.

Contestants #4 Aileen Xu, #5 Wendy Xu, #15 Delaine Lee and #22 Karen Chong stood out during the rehearsals as they have a much curvier body than the rest. When asked if she felt most confident in the swimwear section, #4 Aileen Xu replied, “Nope! I have the most confidence in the dancing section, even though I have never learnt dancing.” #15 Delaine Lee expressed that all contestants have the chance to win the top awards. When asked that if she felt that she did not have such as strong chance of winning the crown after being awarded the ‘Miss Friendship’ title, #15 Delaine Lee answered, “Winning awards does not matter because every one of us has the ability to enter the top 10 and top 5.”

Out of all the contestants, #4 Aileen Xu, #13 Oceane Lu, #18 Liang Wong and #20 Ivy Han are the most pretty. When reporters pointed out that #20 Ivy Han appeared calmer during the rehearsals than when wearing swimwear last time, she explained, “That’s true! The ground was uneven where we were shooting, so I was afraid of falling into the pool.” Meanwhile #18 Liang Wang expressed that she does have confidence to do well tonight and when asked how she was feeling, she replied, “I am very healthy!” When asked what she meant by that, #18 Liang Wang explained that she was sick earlier so she thought the reporters were asking about her health.

On the other hand, Hong Kong’s representative, #12 Kayi Cheung was obviously thinner. When questioned about this, she exclaimed, “Yes! I have quit eating chocolate. (Feeling any pressure?) I feel ok. We have been rehearsing for a long time, so I know the dance routine well. I do have confidence to win awards.”

And Miss Chinese International 2008 Result are :
#13 Oceane Zhu (Paris)

First Runner Up
#12 Kayi Cheung (Hong Kong)

Second Runner Up
#4 Aileen Xu

Top 5 Finalists
#13 Oceane Zhu (Paris), #12 Kayi Cheung (Hong Kong), #4 Aileen Xu, #2 Lucia Long (Mudanjiang), #20 Ivy Han (Sydney)

Miss Friendship
#15 Delaine Lee (Calgary)

Most Courageous
#14 Lisa Li (Auckland)

Miss Youthful
#13 Oceane Zhu (Paris)

Oceane ZhuOceane Zhu

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