Senin, 01 November 2010

Singkawang Kalimantan Amoi Chinese Girl

Singkawang is a City in West Kalimantan, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. The city is near Pontianak, the capital city of kalimantan Barat Province.

In Singkawang, Chinese is the biggest population with more than 45 %. Therefore Singkawang is called Kota Amoi (Amoi is Chinese Girl live in Singkawang and around). So many stil natural amoy in Singkawang.

Singkawang people use Hakka for conversation because most of Singkawang Chinese People is Hakka (Comes from Meichou around, China). Singkawang is famous for its temples. So many temples around the city, as the city is dominated with Chinese.

Besides Singkawang, another big city in Kalimantan Island such as Balik Papan, Pontianak, Sambas, Palangkaraya, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Bontang, Tarakan. But if you have a chance to visit Kalimantan, don't forget singkawang. You can find the beauty of Amoy there.

You can add Singkawang Group on Facebook on this link

Some photos of Singkawang Chinese Girls, taken from Singkawang Group on Facebook. Just for description only, to show the beautiful Chinese Girl from Singkawang. Not for promotion.

Singkawang CHinese girl

Singkawang CHinese girl

Singkawang CHinese girl

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